Tips To Build A Strong Immune System

Darren Ainsworth
3 min readMay 25, 2021
darren ainsworth

Your immune system is your natural defense against any invaders such as bacteria, viruses, infections or any foreign bodies that might want to cause damage to the body. This means it plays a vital role in protecting you from being ill and ensuring you stay healthy.

Although the immune system is an incredibly complex, innate system that is difficult to control, boosting it can seem like a difficult feat to achieve but it isn’t impossible. With a few tweaks to your lifestyle and diet, you can develop a strong immunity that can fight off anything that comes its way. That is why I, Darren Ainsworth, your dietitian have decided to give out some tips to get your immune system healthy and functioning as it should. Especially during this time of the pandemic, strengthening your immune system has become important to protect your body to fight against the covid 19. Here are a few tips to get your immune system functioning optimally as it should.

Make water your best friend

You already know water is important for the body but it can also be a good immune system booster. Gulping down at least 2–3 litres of water in a day can help carry oxygen to the cells, remove toxins from the body, ward off illness and promote a healthy immune system. You keep losing water everyday through sweats, urine, and even breathing. It needs to be replaced in order to promote optimal functioning of the body.

There can never be too many fruits and vegetables

What you eat plays a huge role in the health of your body and this includes the immune system. And fruits and vegetables are one of the important things that should be included in the diet to promote a healthy immune system. For one, they contain necessary nutrients like vitamin A, C, and E and also beta-carotene. They are also renowned for being rich in antioxidants, that is, nutrients that guard against free radicals that can cause harm to the body cells.

Get enough sleep

Various research has proven there is a link between sleep and the immune system. Getting a good amount of sleep enables a well-balanced immune system. There are a lot of things that go on in the body while you sleep and this includes the release of certain proteins such as cytokines which help to combat illness. Hence, people who are suffering from sleeping problems are prone to illness as the immune system might be disrupted.

Sweat it out with regular exercise

Sweating it out doesn’t necessarily mean prolonged intense body workout. For boosting the immune system, exercise required doesn’t have to be as intense as you might think. It only takes consistency and dedication to get the work done. Studies have shown that a moderate physical exercise can help flush out bacteria while also boosting immune health. Whether it’s biking, walking, swimming, practicing yoga, taking half an hour of your day to get your body engaged in exercise will do you some good.

Wash your hands regularly

You never know how much bacteria or potential viruses your hands carry with constant touching of objects or shaking of hands. Do your immune system a favor through regular washing of hands with water and soap to ensure you aren’t walking with bacteria.

For all other health or diet-related issues and queries, check out my other blogs on Darren Ainsworth for more tips on how to stay healthy and live longer and happier.



Darren Ainsworth

I’m Darren Ainsworth, the Registered Dietitian. I can help you sift through all the health information out there and find real, up-to-date, helpful insights.